Welcome to the North Suburban Night Tennis Association Inc. Official Web Site


If a dispute occurs during a match, the captains of the two competing teams must make attempts to resolve the issue in accordance with the following procedure. All players in both teams must remain at the venue while the dispute is resolved. If a team member elects to leave the venue before the steps in this procedure are completed, they will most likely forfeit their remaining sets.

1. When a dispute arises, the players involved should calmly discuss the situation and outline their concerns.

  • If the dispute relates to scoring or line calls, players should refer to the Tennis Australia guidelines here.

  • If the dispute relates to player behaviour, players should refer to the NSNTA Code of Conduct and ensure the behaviour of all players is in accordance with the expectations in that document.

2. If the players in a set cannot resolve their dispute and/or a player indicates they are unwilling to continue play, the dispute should be escalated to the captains of each team. The match should stop, and the teams should move to separate areas within the venue. The two captains should speak to the players in their team involved in the dispute and seek to understand their concerns. The two captains should then leave their teams and have a separate one-on-one discussion to discuss the concerns and seek to find a resolution. If one of the players directly involved in the dispute is a captain, another player can have the discussion with the opposing team captain.

An agreed resolution may include replaying a point, giving a commitment about player behaviour for the remainder of the night, or agreeing that if certain behaviour re-occurs the match will be stopped. If necessary, the two captains can write their agreement on a piece of paper so there is a clear understanding between the two teams.

3. If the two captains cannot reach an agreement, they should seek the assistance of a club official (e.g. a club committee member). The home captain should see if a club official is present at the venue and if not, attempt to contact one and ask them to come to the club to assist to resolve the dispute. If available, the club official may offer to oversee or monitor the remainder of the match to ensure if can be completed without further issues.

4. If a club official is not available or a resolution can still not be reached, the captains must phone a member of the Match and Permit Committee for further advice. Captains should try several members of the Match and Permit Committee using the phone numbers here.

If the issues cannot be resolved over the phone and they are available, a member of the Match and Permit Committee will attend the venue to discuss the issue with the teams and oversee the completion of the match. All players from both teams must remain at the venue while contact is made with the Match and Permit Committee.

5. If a Match and Permit Committee member cannot be contacted or cannot attend the venue, and one team still refuses to continue the match, the match result sheet should be completed with the scores of the sets played to that point (including any incomplete sets) and signed "under protest". The home team should enter the result online, recording all completed games (including games completed in incomplete sets) and note in the comments section that the result was signed “Under protest”.

The Delegate or Secretary of the Club of the team that refused to continue the match must then lodge an official protest with the Association Secretary in accordance with the By‑laws.

6. In determining the protest, the Match and Permit Committee may have regard to:

  • the alleged conduct that led to the dispute;

  • any offers made by the team captain/s to address the concerns in order to continue the match;

  • any suggestions made by a club official (if one was present) to resolve the dispute;

  • whether attempts were made to contact the Match and Permit Committee on the night;

  • any suggestions made by the Match and Permit Committee member (if one was contacted or attended the venue) to resolve the dispute; and

  • the time the match was abandoned.

If a team member elects to leave the venue before the steps in this procedure are completed, they will most likely forfeit their remaining sets.

Download the Dispute Resolution Procedures