Welcome to the North Suburban Night Tennis Association Inc. Official Web Site


Dress Standards as set out at the Annual General Meeting July 2015

Every competitive player shall dress and present himself/herself for play in clean and customarily acceptable tennis attire. The general appearance of a player is the most important factor at this level, not specific clothing detail.

Coloured recognised tennis type garments and footwear shall be worn, at the discretion of the NSNTA.


  • Clothing items deemed to be "non-tennis articles" such as dress shirts, singlets, football shorts and jumpers, walk shorts and jeans are not to be worn by any player while competing in a match.

  • Sleeveless tennis shirts are permitted which are defined as "tennis shirts without sleeves" i.e. not singlets.

  • Track suits are permitted to be worn during a hit-up and during a match.

  • No writing or logo restrictions apply except where these are obscene or derogatory.


  • Suitable footwear for tennis matches shall be worn (depending on the type of surface) at the direction of the home club.

  • Ripple sole, jogging, running, cricket footwear and footwear with heels or studs are not permitted.

  • The home club has the authority to determine that a tennis shoe's sole does not conform to such customs and standards and can prohibit its use.